Suzuki TN (in press) Animal linguistics. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
Suzuki TN (in press) How to study animal syntax. In: The Oxford Handbook of Approaches to Language Evolution (L Raviv & C Boeckx eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fujita K, Koda H, & Suzuki TN (in press) Human language and animal cognition. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Minimalism and Its Applications (E Leivada & KK Grohmann eds), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Suzuki TN & Sugita N (2024) The 'after you' gesture in a bird. Current Biology 34: R231-R232
Suzuki TN & Matsumoto YK (2022) Experimental evidence for core-Merge in the vocal communication system of a wild passerine. Nature Communications 13: 5605
Suzuki TN (2021) Animal linguistics: Exploring referentiality and compositionality in bird calls. Ecological Research 36: 221-231
Barnett CA, Ringhofer M, & Suzuki TN (2021) Differences in predatory behavior among three bird species. Journal of Ethology 39: 29-37
Suzuki TN (2020) Other species' alarm calls evoke a predator-specific search image in birds. Current Biology 30: 2616-2620
Dutour M, Suzuki TN, & Wheatcroft D (2020) Great tit responses to the calls of an unfamiliar species suggest conserved perception of call ordering. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74: 37
Suzuki TN, Wheatcroft D, & Griesser M (2019) The syntax-semantics interface in animal vocal communication. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 375: 20180405
Suzuki TN & Zuberbühler K (2019) Animal syntax. Current Biology 29: R669-R671
Suzuki TN (2019) Imagery in wild birds: Retrieval of visual information from referential alarm calls. Learning and Behavior 47: 111-114
Suzuki TN, Griesser M, & Wheatcroft D (2019) Syntactic rules in avian vocal sequences as a window into the evolution of compositionality. Animal Behaviour 151: 267-274
Suzuki TN, Wheatcroft D, & Griesser M (2018) Call combinations in birds and the evolution of compositional syntax. PLoS Biology 16: e2006532
Suzuki TN (2018) Alarm calls evoke a visual search image of a predator in birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 115: 1541-1545
Griesser M, Wheatcroft D, & Suzuki TN (2018) From bird calls to human language: exploring the evolutionary drivers of compositional syntax. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 21: 6-12
Suzuki TN, Wheatcroft D, & Griesser M (2017) Wild birds use an ordering rule to decode novel call sequences. Current Biology 27: 2331-2336
Suzuki TN & Kutsukake N (2017) Foraging intention affects whether willow tits call to attract members of mixed-species flocks. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170222
Griesser M & Suzuki TN (2017) Naïve juveniles are more likely to become breeders after witnessing predator mobbing. The American Naturalist 189: 58-66
Suzuki TN, Wheatcroft D, & Griesser M (2016) Experimental evidence for compositional syntax in bird calls. Nature Communications 7: 10986
Griesser M & Suzuki TN (2016) Occasional cooperative breeding in birds and the robustness of comparative analyses concerning the evolution of cooperative breeding. Zoological Letters 2: 7
Suzuki TN (2016) Semantic communication in birds: evidence from field research over the past two decades. Ecological Research 31: 307-319
Griesser M & Suzuki TN (2016) Kinship modulates the attention of naïve individuals to the mobbing behaviour of role models. Animal Behaviour 112: 83-91
Suzuki TN (2016) Referential calls coordinate multi-species mobbing in a forest bird community. Journal of Ethology 34: 79-84
Suzuki TN (2015) Assessment of predation risk through referential communication in incubating birds. Scientific Reports 5: 10239
Suzuki TN & Sakurai R (2015) Bent posture improves the protective value of bird dropping masquerading by caterpillars. Animal Behaviour 105: 79-84
Barnett CA, Suzuki TN, Sakalus SK, & Thompson CF (2015) Mass-based condition measures and their relationship with fitness: in what condition is condition?. Journal of Zoology 296: 1-5
Suzuki TN (2014) Communication about predator type by a bird using discrete, graded and combinatorial variation in alarm calls. Animal Behaviour 87: 59-65
Barnett CA, Sugita N, & Suzuki TN (2013) Observations of predation attempts on avian nest boxes by Japanese martens (Martes melampus). Mammal Study 38: 269-274
Moore FR, Coetzee V, Contreras-Garduño J, Debruine LM, Kleisner K, Krams I, Marcinkowska U, Nord A, Perrett DI, Rantala MJ, Schaum N, & Suzuki TN (2013) Cross-cultural variation in women’s preferences for cues to sex- and stress-hormones in the male face. Biology Letters 9: 20130050
Suzuki TN & Ueda K (2013) Mobbing calls of Japanese tits signal predator type: field observations of natural predator encounters. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 412-415
Suzuki TN (2012) Calling at a food source: context-dependent variation in note composition of combinatorial calls in willow tits. Ornithological Science 11: 103-107
Suzuki TN (2012) Mobbing to death of a Japanese long-eared bat Plecotus sacrimontis by two species of tit. Forktail 28: 171-172
Sugita N, Suzuki TN, Barnett CA, & Ueda K (2012) An intraspecific adult killing in female Japanese great tits. Forktail 28: 153-155
Suzuki TN (2012) Referential mobbing calls elicit different predator-searching behaviours in Japanese great tits. Animal Behaviour 84: 53-57
Suzuki TN (2012) Long-distance calling by the willow tit, Poecile montanus, facilitates formation of mixed-species foraging flocks. Ethology 118: 10-16
Suzuki TN (2011) Parental alarm calls warn nestlings about different predatory threats. Current Biology 21: R15-R16
Suzuki TN & Tsuchiya Y (2010) Feeding a foreign chick: a case of a mixed brood of two tit species. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122: 618-620
鈴木俊貴「「言葉」を持つ鳥、シジュウカラ」光村図書出版 中学校国語1,126-133.2021年度から使用.
鈴木俊貴(2022)「「言葉」を持つ鳥、シジュウカラ(光村図書・中学1年)」国語教育,4月号: 114-117.[指導教材]
鈴木俊貴(2022)「鳴き声の意味が知りたい! シジュウカラ語基礎講座」BIRDER,36(3): 30-33.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2020)「小鳥の鳴き声にも単語や文法がある!? シジュウカラ語・大研究」Milsil: 自然と科学の情報誌,13(4): 12-15.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2018)「シジュウカラのイメージ力」野鳥,824: 13.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2017)「シジュウカラの文法能力」生態学研究センターニュース,138: 6.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2017)「ここまでわかった!シジュウカラのことば」野鳥,813: 1-9.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2017)「鳥類言語学入門:シジュウカラの単語と文法」BIRDER,31(4): 22-23.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2017)「シジュウカラ語を解き明かす」月刊みんぱく,1月号: 8.[雑誌]
Suzuki, T(2016)「A long-term research project on vocal communication of tits (family Paridae) in Karuizawa Wild Bird Forest」DIWPA News Letter,35: 9-10.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2016)「シジュウカラにも言語があった」文藝春秋,6月号: 88-89.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2016)「シジュウカラにみつかった驚きの言語能力」私たちの自然,606: 18-21.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2014)「鳥類の混群における音声コミュニケーション」私たちの自然,595: 2-4.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2014)「バードリサーチ生態図鑑:コガラ」Bird Research News 生態図鑑,[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2014)「世界の動物行動学―Behaviour2013に参加して」日本鳥学会誌,63: 89-91.[学術誌]
鈴木俊貴(2011)「シジュウカラの警戒声:危険の種類をヒナに伝える」私たちの自然,566: 22-24.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2011)「シジュウカラのことば」立教レディスクラブ News,69: 5.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2011)「カラスだ!ヘビだ!危険を回避するシジュウカラの巧みな親子間コミュニケーション」BIRDER,25(5): 28-29.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2011)「シジュウカラ・警戒声の使い分け:「カラスだひっこめ」「ヘビだ飛び出せ」」自然保護,520: 25.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2011)「鳥の年間スケジュールを知ろう」BIRDER,25(1): 36-37.[雑誌]
鈴木俊貴(2011)「日本鳥学会2010年度大会に参加して」日本鳥学会誌,60: 128-130.[学術誌]
鈴木俊貴(2010)「ISBE 2010 参加印象記」行動学会 Mail News,90.[メールニュース]
鈴木俊貴(2008)「カラ類の混群~他種と群れる冬のカラ類~」BIRDER,22(1): 30-31.[雑誌]
Animal Behaviour誌,The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour,2021年1月〜2024年12月.
「科学技術専門調査員」文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 科学技術予測センター,2018年4月〜2019年3月.
Suzuki, T.「Animal linguistics: Elements of language in animal communication systems」,International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress (ISBE 2022),Stockholm, Sweden,2022年8月2日.
Suzuki, T.「The dawn of animal linguistics: exploring referentiality and compositionality in bird calls」,15th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science,京都大学,2021年3月1日.
Suzuki, T.「Exploring compositionality and grammatical rules in avian vocal sequences」,55th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society (ABS 2018),University of Wisconsin, USA,2018年8月3日.
Suzuki, T.「Imagery in wild birds? Retrieval of visual information from referential alarm calls」,Evolinguistics Symposium: Concepts and Categories,東京大学駒場キャンパス,2019年10月29日.
Suzuki, T.「Referentiality and compositionality in bird calls」,Evolinguistics Workshop 2019,東京大学駒場キャンパス,2019年5月26日.
Suzuki, T.「From bird calls to human language: comparative approaches to language evolution」,Linguae,Institut Jean-Nicod,2018年11月14日.
Suzuki, T「Social complexity, vocal communication and cooperation」,26th International Ornithological Congress,Rikkyo University, Tokyo,2014年8月19日.
Matsumoto, Y. & Suzuki, T.「Large Japanese field mice produce multiple types of ultrasonic vocalizations」18th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE2022),Stockholm, Sweden,2022年8月.[ポスター発表]【査読無】
Suzuki, T.「Alarm calls evoke a visual mental imagery in birds」17th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE2018),Minnesota, USA,2018年8月.[口頭発表]【査読有】
Griesser, M., Suzuki, T.「Social learning provides fitness benefits in a family-living bird species」Behaviour 2017,Lisbon, Portugal,2017年8月.[口頭発表]【査読有】
Suzuki, T., Wheatcroft, D. & Griesser, M.「Experimental evidence for compositional syntax in bird calls」16th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE2016),Exter, UK,2016年7月.[口頭発表]【査読有】
Barnett, C., & Suzuki, T.「Are nestling size hierarchies an outcome of parent's boldness?」16th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE2016),Exter, UK,2016年7月.[口頭発表]【査読有】
Suzuki, T.「Communication about predators through a mental imagery in a wild bird」Behaviour 2015,Cairns, Australia,2015年8月.[口頭発表]【査読有】
Sakurai, R. & Suzuki, T.「Bent posture improves protective value of bird dropping masquerading by caterpillars」Behaviour 2015,Cairns, Australia,2015年8月.[口頭発表]【査読有】
Endo, S. & Suzuki, T.「Female shrikes adjust their clutch size by begging for food from their mates」15th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE2014),New York City, USA,2014年8月.[口頭発表]【査読有】
Suzuki, T.「Mobbing calls of Japanese great tits signal predator type to both parents and nestlings」26th International Ornithological Congress,Tokyo, Japan,2014年8月.[口頭発表]【査読有】
Sugita N. & Suzuki, T.「The validity of mobbing call playbacks as a method to estimate abundance of forest birds」26th International Ornithological Congress,Tokyo, Japan,2014年8月.[ポスター発表]【査読無】
Sakurai R., Yoshikawa E. & Suzuki, T.「Ontogenetic color change in caterpillars as a defensive strategy against bird predation」26th International Ornithological Congress,Tokyo, Japan,2014年8月.[ポスター発表]【査読無】
Suzuki, T.「Wordy warnings: great tits use discrete, graded and combinatorial variation in alarm calls to communicate predator type」Behaviour 2013,Newcastle, UK,2013年8月.[口頭発表]【査読有】
Sakurai, R., Yoshikawa, E. & Suzuki, T.「Masquerade versus crypsis: adaptive change in defensive strategy during the ontogeny of butterfly larvae」Behaviour 2013,Newcastle, UK,2013年8月.[口頭発表]【査読有】
Suzuki, T. & Ueda, K.「Great tit mobbing calls signal predator type to both parents and nestlings」14th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE2012),Lund, Sweden,2012年8月.[ポスター発表]【査読無】
Suzuki, T.「Great tit mobbing calls signal predator type to both parents and offspring」EAFES5,Shiga, Japan,2012年3月.[ポスター発表]【査読無】優秀ポスター賞を受賞
Suzuki, T.「Predator-specific alarm calls in parent-nestling communication」13th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE2010),Perth, Australia,2010年7月.[口頭発表]【査読有】
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関西ラジオワイド「旬の人・時の人 京都大学白眉センター特定助教 鈴木俊貴さん」(初回放送日:2021年10月15日)
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